a woman with curly hair works by the pool on her laptop

How to Create Online Courses & Monetize Your Creative Expertise in 15 Steps

21 min read

Sometimes, our creative work isn’t enough to sustain us financially—even if it is enough to keep us spiritually, emotionally, and mentally stimulated. Creating online courses can help you share your knowledge and mentor other creatives while monetizing your expertise. Our guide will walk you through the process of developing and selling engaging online courses that educate your students and pad your bank account. Hosting online courses allows you to reach a global audience, generate a steady income, and market your other products or services. By following these 15 steps, you can transform your unique skills and insights into a profitable and impactful online learning experience. Read on to learn exactly how to create an online course.

How the Online Course Landscape Has Evolved

If this is your first online course in a few years, you might be surprised by how much the landscape has changed. Online education has come a long way—evolving from basic supplemental materials to fully-fledged, high-quality programs available to anyone, anywhere. 

What started as a supplement to traditional classrooms has become the “main event”—thanks to the proliferation of e-learning platforms. These platforms have made education more accessible and flexible—allowing people from all walks of life to learn new skills and knowledge. As more people catch on to the benefits of online learning, its influence keeps growing and is certain to shape the future of education in exciting ways.

Growing Acceptance of E-Learning

E-learning has taken the world by storm and has truly transformed the way we approach education. From its humble beginnings as email-based courses, it has exploded into a multi-billion dollar industry packed with interactive, multimedia-rich content. 

The appeal? Flexibility and accessibility. E-learning breaks down geographical barriers and cuts the costs of traditional education—making it easier for anyone to learn anything, anytime. This massive growth is not just a trend. It really is creating a more informed and skilled global community.

The Impact of AI and Other Technology

Tech advancements have supercharged the delivery and accessibility of online courses—making them more fun and engaging than ever. High-speed internet, cloud computing, and mobile devices mean you can access your lessons anywhere, anytime.

Cool innovations like virtual classrooms, augmented reality, and AI have turned learning into an interactive adventure. Yes, education has been gamified, but is that a bad thing? 

These tools allow for real-time collaboration, instant feedback, and personalized learning paths. Thanks to technology, online education is more widespread and more effective.

DesignDash Guide: How to Create an Online Course that Captures Your Creative Expertise

Step 1: Start by Identifying Your Niche and Audience

You might already have an online course idea, but identifying your niche and audience is an important first step in creating (and selling) online courses. Your niche is essentially your area of expertise, but with a unique twist that sets you apart from the competition. 

You’ll need to figure out what you’re exceptionally good at and passionate about, and then package that in a way that offers distinct value. To do this, start by reflecting on your own skills, experiences, and what you enjoy teaching. Think about the problems you can solve or the specific needs you can meet. Your niche should be something you are deeply knowledgeable about and can offer unique insights or approaches that others might not.

Once you’ve pinpointed your niche, the next step in the course creation process is to identify your target audience. Who are the people most likely to benefit from your expertise? Understanding your audience is key to creating content that resonates and meets their needs. 

Start by researching demographics like age, gender, profession, and education level. Use tools like surveys, social media insights, and forums to gather information about their interests, challenges, and goals. Knowing your audience’s preferences and pain points will help you tailor your content to them specifically.

Step 2: Find Your Unique Value Proposition

Your unique value proposition (UVP) is what sets you apart from others in your field. It’s the unique combination of skills, experiences, and perspectives that you bring to the table. To find your UVP, start by listing your strengths and considering how they can be applied in a new or innovative way. 

Think about the feedback you’ve received from past students or clients. What do they appreciate most about your teaching style or content? Your UVP should address a specific need or problem that your audience has and offer a solution that only you can provide.

To further refine your UVP, conduct a competitive analysis. Look at other courses in your niche and identify what makes them successful. What are they missing that you can offer? This could be a unique teaching method, a specific focus that others haven’t covered, or additional resources and support. Your UVP should clearly communicate why students should choose your course over others. You need to highlight your strengths and show potential students the unique benefits they will gain from your expertise.

Step 3: Get to Know Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is the next step in creating courses that truly resonate and provide value. Start by creating detailed buyer personas: fictional characters that represent your ideal students. These personas should include demographic information, but also delve into their goals, challenges, and what motivates them to learn. 

Use surveys and interviews to gather insights directly from your potential students. Ask them about their learning preferences, what they’re hoping to achieve, and what obstacles they face in their learning journey.

In addition to direct feedback, leverage online tools and platforms to gather data on your audience. Social media analytics, keyword research, and competitor analysis can provide valuable insights into what your audience is searching for and engaging with. 

Understanding your target audience helps you create content that not only meets their needs but also speaks their language and fits their learning style. This alignment increases the likelihood that your courses will attract and retain students.

Step 4: Tailor Your Content to That Target Market

Customizing your course content to meet the needs and interests of your audience is next. Tailored content starts with a deep understanding of your audience’s pain points and goals, which you can gather through research and direct feedback. 

Once you have this information, design your course materials to address these specific needs. Use relatable examples, case studies, and scenarios that your audience can connect with. This makes the learning experience more relevant and practical. You want to increase the likelihood of students actually applying what they’ve learned.

You also want your content to be flexible. Different students have different learning preferences, so offering a variety of content types can enhance the learning experience. Incorporate videos, written materials, interactive quizzes, and real-time discussions to cater to diverse learning styles. 

Also, consider the pacing of your course. Some students might prefer a self-paced format, while others thrive in a structured, time-bound environment. By tailoring your content to meet these varied preferences, you create a more inclusive and effective learning experience.

Step 5: Begin Designing Your Online Course

This is the stage where many creatives burn out and abandon the course creating process. Of course, designing your online course effectively requires thoughtful planning and organization to ensure a seamless and engaging learning experience. But you can execute this in little chunks. Consider participating in our Focus & Flex Challenge in August to help you make meaningful progress on your online course.

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Your course outline should facilitate a logical flow of information that guides students through the material in a clear and coherent manner. Start by outlining your course objectives and breaking down the content into key topics. Organize these topics in a way that builds on previous knowledge, gradually increasing in complexity. 

Each module should have a clear purpose, with lessons that align with the overall goals of the course. This structured approach helps students understand the progression of the course and keeps them motivated to continue learning.

An engaging course also requires varied content formats to cater to different learning styles. Incorporate a mix of videos, readings, quizzes, and interactive activities to keep students engaged and facilitate deeper understanding. 

Each lesson should have a mix of instructional materials and practical exercises to reinforce learning. Use visual aids like charts, diagrams, and infographics to clarify complex concepts. 

Step 6: Structure Your Course Content Appropriately

person sitting at a desk with a phone, laptop, and notebook creating an online course

When structuring your course content, begin by creating a detailed syllabus that outlines each module and lesson. Start with an introduction that sets the stage for the course, outlining the objectives and what students can expect to learn. 

Follow this with a logical sequence of modules, each focusing on a specific aspect of the subject matter. Within each module, break down the content into individual lessons that are focused and concise. Each lesson should cover one main idea, with clear learning outcomes that contribute to the module’s objectives.

Start with foundational concepts and gradually move towards more advanced topics. Ensure each lesson builds on the previous one, reinforcing earlier material while introducing new information. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to organize content within each lesson, making it easy for students to follow along. 

Include summaries and key takeaways at the end of each module to reinforce learning and provide a recap of important points. This structured approach ensures that students can navigate the course easily and retain the information more effectively.

Creating Modules and Lessons That Make Sense

Breaking your course into manageable modules and lessons makes the content more digestible and less overwhelming for students. Start by identifying the major themes or topics your course will cover. Each theme becomes a module, which you can then divide into smaller lessons. For example, if you’re teaching a course on graphic design, one module might cover color theory, with individual lessons on the color wheel, color psychology, and practical applications.

Within each lesson, aim for clarity and brevity. Present information in small, manageable chunks, and avoid overwhelming students with too much content at once. Use a consistent format for each lesson to help students know what to expect. 

For instance, start with an introduction, followed by the main content, examples or case studies, and a summary. Incorporate activities or assignments at the end of each lesson to reinforce learning and give students a chance to apply what they’ve learned. 

Step 7: Incorporate Multimedia to Appeal to Different Learning Styles

Incorporating multimedia into your online course can significantly enhance the learning experience by catering to various learning styles and keeping students engaged. Multimedia elements like videos, audio recordings, and interactive activities make the content more dynamic and interesting. 

You can use videos to explain complex concepts visually, while audio recordings can provide additional insights or highlight key points. Interactive elements like quizzes, polls, and discussion forums encourage active participation and help reinforce learning.

Using multimedia also allows you to present information in different ways, making it more accessible and understandable. For example, some students might grasp a concept better through a visual demonstration, while others might prefer reading about it. By offering multiple formats, you can ensure that your course appeals to a broader audience. multimedia can break up long blocks of text, making the course content more engaging and easier to navigate. 

Adding Videos, Audios, and Interactive Elements

Integrating videos, audios, and interactive elements into your course can significantly boost engagement and enhance the learning experience. Videos are particularly effective for demonstrating processes, explaining complex ideas, and providing visual examples. Keep your videos concise and focused, and use clear visuals and high-quality audio to maintain student interest. You can also include transcripts or subtitles to cater to students who prefer reading or have hearing impairments.

Audio recordings are another valuable tool, ideal for providing additional commentary, highlighting key points, or offering supplementary information. Podcasts or audio lectures can be a great way to provide content that students can listen to on the go. 

Interactive elements like quizzes, polls, and discussion forums encourage active participation and foster a sense of community among students. These elements provide immediate feedback, helping students assess their understanding and stay motivated.

Step 8: Set Learning Objectives for Your Students

Clear learning objectives are the cornerstone of a strong course curriculum. They provide students with a roadmap of what they are expected to learn and achieve throughout the course. Well-defined objectives help students understand the purpose of each lesson and how it contributes to their overall learning journey. To set effective learning objectives, start by identifying the core skills and knowledge that you want your students to acquire. Use action verbs like “analyze,” “create,” “apply,” and “evaluate” to articulate these objectives clearly and measurably.

Learning objectives should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This ensures that they are realistic and achievable within the scope of your course. For example, instead of a vague objective like “understand color theory,” a SMART objective would be “by the end of this module, students will be able to apply the principles of color theory to create a harmonious color palette for a design project.” Clear objectives not only guide students but also help you as an instructor to design content and assessments that align with these goals.

Step 9: Develop Assessments and Assignments

Assessments and assignments are critical components of your curriculum that reinforce learning and gauge student progress. Effective assessments should be aligned with your learning objectives and designed to test the knowledge and skills that you want students to acquire. Start by determining the key concepts and skills you want to assess, and choose assessment methods that best evaluate these areas. This can include quizzes, essays, projects, presentations, and peer reviews. Using a variety of assessment types can provide a more comprehensive evaluation of student learning and cater to different strengths and learning styles.

When developing assignments, ensure they are meaningful and directly related to the course content. Assignments should challenge students to apply what they have learned in practical, real-world scenarios. Provide clear instructions and criteria for success to help students understand what is expected of them. offer timely and constructive feedback to guide their learning process. Incorporate formative assessments, like short quizzes or in-class activities, to provide ongoing feedback and identify areas where students may need additional support. 

Step 10: Select the Right Online Course Platform

woman in a wheelchair at her desk conducting online research on her pink laptop

Selecting the right platform is a crucial step in delivering your online course effectively. The platform you choose will impact not only the delivery of your content but also the overall learning experience for your students. With numerous options available, it’s important to evaluate each platform’s features, ease of use, pricing, and support to find the best fit for your needs. A well-chosen platform can enhance your course’s accessibility, engagement, and success, providing a seamless experience for both you and your students. It can also help you create a profitable online course that reaches the right audience.

When choosing a platform, consider how it aligns with your course objectives and your teaching style. The right platform should support your content format, whether it’s video, audio, written material, or interactive elements. It should also offer tools for engagement, like discussion forums, quizzes, and live sessions. Consider the platform’s scalability if you plan to expand your course offerings in the future. A platform that grows with you can save time and effort in the long run.

Popular Platforms to Consider

You have a few options when it comes to choosing a platform. Teachable is known for its user-friendly interface and flexibility. It allows you to create multimedia-rich courses with ease, offering tools for video hosting, quizzes, and discussion forums. Teachable also provides robust analytics to track student progress and engagement.

Udemy is another popular choice—especially for those looking to reach a broad audience quickly. It boasts a large marketplace with millions of students, which can help you gain visibility and attract learners. Udemy provides tools for creating engaging content—including video lectures, quizzes, and assignments. It also handles marketing and payment processing, which simplifies the course management process for instructors. However, note that Udemy’s revenue share model may impact your earnings compared to other platforms.

Kajabi is an all-in-one platform that offers comprehensive features for course creation, marketing, and sales. It’s ideal for those looking to build a complete online business around their courses. Kajabi provides tools for creating professional-looking courses, hosting webinars, and managing email marketing campaigns. It also integrates with various third-party tools, offering flexibility and customization as well as an online community. While Kajabi is more expensive than some other platforms, its extensive features can be worth the investment for serious course creators.

How to Choose the Right Course Platform for Your Course Topic and Teaching Style

When choosing a platform, several key factors should guide your decision based on your specific needs and goals. First, consider the ease of use. A user-friendly interface is crucial, especially if you are new to online course creation. Look for platforms that offer drag-and-drop course builders, intuitive navigation, and comprehensive support resources. This will save you time and help you focus on creating high-quality content rather than struggling with technical issues.

Another important factor is pricing. Evaluate the cost of the platform and what features are included in each pricing tier. Some platforms offer free plans with basic features, while others require a subscription fee for access to advanced tools. Consider your budget and the potential return on investment when making your choice. Look at the revenue sharing model. Platforms like Udemy take a percentage of your earnings, which can affect your profitability, whereas platforms like Teachable and Kajabi may charge a flat fee or offer different pricing structures.

Finally, consider the support and scalability offered by the platform. Look for platforms that provide reliable customer support, detailed tutorials, and a strong community of course creators. This support can be invaluable as you build and grow your course. Think about your long-term goals. If you plan to expand your offerings, choose a platform that can scale with you, providing the flexibility to add more courses, integrate new tools, and reach a larger audience.

Step 11: Create a Comprehensive Marketing Strategy

Effective marketing is crucial for the success of your online course. Even the most well-designed course can go unnoticed without a strategic marketing plan. By focusing on building a strong brand, leveraging social media, and implementing effective email marketing strategies, you can reach a wider audience, engage potential students, and ultimately drive enrollments. These efforts help create a buzz around your course, establish credibility, and ensure that your course stands out in a crowded market.

A comprehensive marketing strategy not only attracts students but also builds a community around your course. This community can provide valuable feedback, promote your course through word-of-mouth, and become loyal followers of your future offerings. Marketing your course effectively requires a blend of creativity, persistence, and a deep understanding of your target audience. By investing time and resources into marketing, you can maximize the impact of your course and achieve your business goals.

Building a Brand

Personal branding is a powerful tool in establishing a strong online presence and differentiating your course from others. Your brand is essentially your reputation and the promise you make to your students. It encompasses your unique teaching style, the quality of your content, and your professional expertise. To build a strong brand, start by defining your unique value proposition (what sets you apart from other course creators). Highlight your strengths, experience, and the benefits students will gain from your course.

Establishing a strong online presence involves consistent and strategic efforts across various platforms. Create a professional website that showcases your courses, credentials, and testimonials from satisfied students. Use a cohesive visual identity, including logos, color schemes, and fonts, to make your brand recognizable. 

Consistently produce valuable content like blog posts, videos, and social media updates that reflect your expertise and provide value to your audience. Engage with your community by responding to comments, participating in discussions, and offering support. A strong brand builds trust and credibility.

Utilizing Social Media

While many of us shy away from using it, social media truly is a powerful tool for promoting your online course and reaching a wider audience. Each platform offers unique opportunities to connect with potential students and showcase your expertise. Start by identifying the social media channels that your target audience uses most frequently, whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter. Create a content plan that includes a mix of promotional posts, educational content, and engaging visuals that highlight the benefits of your course.

Leverage social media features like live videos, stories, and groups to foster a sense of community and engagement. Host live Q&A sessions to answer potential students’ questions and demonstrate your expertise. Share testimonials and success stories from past students to build credibility. Use hashtags strategically to increase the visibility of your posts and attract a broader audience. Collaborate with influencers or industry experts to expand your reach and gain credibility. 

Email Marketing Strategies

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach and engage potential students. Building an email list allows you to communicate directly with individuals who have expressed interest in your content. Start by creating a compelling lead magnet, like a free ebook, webinar, or mini-course, to encourage visitors to subscribe to your email list. Once you have their email addresses, nurture these leads with a well-crafted email sequence that builds trust and demonstrates the value of your course.

Segment your email list to send targeted messages based on the interests and behaviors of your subscribers. For example, you can create separate email sequences for new subscribers, those who have shown interest in a particular topic, and past students. Personalize your emails to make them more engaging and relevant. 

Use clear and compelling subject lines to increase open rates and include strong calls to action to drive conversions. Regularly send valuable content, like tips, resources, and updates about your course, to keep your audience engaged and excited about what you have to offer. 

Step 12: Figure Out How to Monetize Your Online Course

Developing effective monetization strategies is key to ensuring the financial success of your online course. While creating high-quality content is crucial, equally important is setting a price point that reflects the value of your course while remaining attractive to potential students. offering flexible payment options and exploring multiple revenue streams can significantly enhance your income and broaden your reach. 

Monetization is not just about setting the right price. You need to understand your market, your audience, and how to provide them with the best value. Think seriously about pricing, payment plans, discounts, and diversifying income sources. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining students, ensuring that your course remains financially viable and competitive in the marketplace.

Pricing Your Course Appropriately

Setting the right price for your course is a delicate balance between affordability for students and ensuring profitability for yourself. Start by researching your competitors to understand the pricing landscape within your niche. Look at what similar courses are charging and consider the value you are offering in comparison. Your course’s length, depth of content, exclusivity, and added benefits like one-on-one coaching or additional resources should all factor into your pricing decision. Don’t undervalue your course, but ensure that the price reflects the quality and uniqueness of your offering.

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Consider adopting a tiered pricing model to cater to different segments of your audience. Offer a basic version of the course at a lower price point and premium versions with additional features at higher prices. This approach allows students to choose a package that best fits their needs and budget. clearly communicate the benefits and outcomes of your course to justify the price to potential students. Highlighting success stories, testimonials, and tangible results can help prospective students see the value in your course and be willing to invest accordingly.

Offering Payment Plans and Discounts

Flexible payment options like payment plans and promotional discounts can make your course more accessible to a wider audience. Payment plans allow students to spread the cost over several months, reducing the financial burden and making it easier for them to commit. This flexibility can attract more enrollments, especially from students who might find a one-time payment challenging. Clearly outline the terms of the payment plan—including any interest or fees, to ensure transparency and build trust with your audience.

Promotional discounts can also be an effective tool to boost enrollments. Offer early-bird discounts to encourage sign-ups before the course launch or seasonal discounts to capitalize on peak times like the start of a new year or back-to-school season. Limited-time offers can create a sense of urgency and drive faster decision-making. consider offering discounts to returning students or referrals to build loyalty and encourage word-of-mouth promotion.

Don’t Just Sell Online Courses. Create Multiple Revenue Streams!

Successful online courses offer a variety of products and services that keep students coming back for more. One effective approach is to create membership programs that provide ongoing value and foster a sense of community. Offer exclusive content, monthly webinars, Q&A sessions, and access to a private forum or group where members can connect and support each other. Membership programs generate recurring revenue and help maintain engagement with your audience over the long term.

Upsells and cross-sells are another way to boost your revenue. Offer additional products or services that complement your main course, like advanced modules, one-on-one coaching sessions, or downloadable resources. These upsells can provide more value to your students and increase your overall earnings. consider affiliate marketing as a revenue stream. Partner with other course creators or businesses whose products align with your content. Promote their products to your audience and earn a commission on any sales made through your referral. 

Step 13: Build a Community that Helps Retain Students

A strong community helps students feel connected and busts up those feelings of isolation that can come with online learning. When students interact with peers, they can share insights, discuss challenges, and celebrate successes together. This peer-to-peer interaction enhances learning, as students often learn as much from each other as they do from the instructor.

To build a community, create spaces where students can communicate and collaborate. Encourage introductions and group activities that require teamwork. Recognize and celebrate individual and group achievements to build a positive and inclusive atmosphere. A strong community not only supports academic success but also helps students build lasting relationships and networks that can benefit them beyond the course.

Host Discussion Forums and Live Q&A Sessions

Discussion forums and live Q&A sessions are powerful tools for enhancing engagement and providing support. Forums allow students to ask questions, share resources, and discuss course material at their own pace. This asynchronous communication is particularly valuable in accommodating different time zones and schedules. By participating in these forums, you can address common questions, provide additional insights, and foster a sense of community.

Live Q&A sessions offer a more interactive and immediate form of engagement. These sessions allow students to connect with you in real-time, ask questions, and get instant feedback. They can also be a platform for discussing complex topics in more depth or addressing any challenges students are facing. 

Regular live sessions can help maintain a high level of engagement and make students feel more connected to you and their peers. Recording these sessions can also provide valuable content for students who cannot attend live.

Step 14: Provide Continuous Value

Delivering continuous value is essential for keeping students engaged and invested in your course. One strategy is to regularly update your content with the latest information, trends, and best practices relevant to your subject matter. This shows students that your course is current and provides them with the most valuable and applicable knowledge. Offering exclusive bonus content—like additional readings, case studies, or expert interviews—can also enhance the learning experience and provide added value.

Another approach is to provide ongoing support and resources even after the course has ended. This could include access to alumni forums, regular newsletters with industry updates, or discounted rates for future courses. By continuing to offer value, you keep students connected to your brand and increase the likelihood of them recommending your courses to others or returning for further learning. Continuous value fosters loyalty and helps build a long-term relationship with your students.

Step 15: Analyze and Improve Your Course

Regular analysis and improvement of your course are crucial for maintaining its effectiveness and relevance. Gathering feedback from students allows you to understand their experiences, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about content updates and teaching methods. By continually refining your course based on this feedback, you ensure it meets the evolving needs of your students and stays competitive in the market.

Improving your course is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Regularly updating your material, incorporating new insights, and adapting to changes in your field are essential for providing high-quality education. A well-maintained course produces higher completion rates, better learning outcomes, and a stronger reputation as an educator.

Gathering Feedback

Collecting feedback from students is the best way to improve your course. Use a variety of methods to gather comprehensive insights, like surveys, quizzes, and informal check-ins. End-of-course surveys can provide detailed information about students’ overall experience, including what they found helpful and what could be improved. Mid-course surveys are also valuable for making adjustments in real-time.

Analyzing this feedback helps you identify patterns and specific areas where your course may need refinement. Look for common themes in the feedback, like confusing topics, technical issues, or areas where students felt they needed more support. Use this information to make data-driven decisions about changes and updates. Engaging with students about their feedback also shows that you value their input, which can enhance their learning experience and your credibility as an instructor.

Updating and Refining Content

Regularly updating and refining your course content is crucial to keep it relevant and effective. As new information, technologies, and best practices emerge in your field, ensure your course reflects these advancements. This not only maintains the accuracy and relevance of your material but also positions your course as a credible and up-to-date resource. Regular updates can include adding new modules, revising existing content, and incorporating the latest research or case studies.

Refining content based on student feedback and performance data is equally important. Identify which parts of the course students find challenging or less engaging and consider how you can improve them. This might involve reworking explanations, adding more examples, or creating supplementary materials. Continuously enhancing your course ensures that it meets the highest standards and provides the best possible learning experience.

Final Thoughts on Creating an Incredible Online Course

Creating your own online course may seem daunting, but you’ve done harder things! As a creative woman, you possess unique skills and perspectives that will certainly inspire and educate others. While the workload and upkeep might seem overwhelming, the rewards of sharing your expertise, building a community, and supplementing your income are immense. Break the process down into manageable steps, and don’t hesitate to seek help or use the many tools available to streamline your work. You have the power to make a major impact, so take the leap and get going!