Now accepting applications for our Fall Mastermind group. Apply today.

Create Your Business with Confidence
Are you driven to see your design business flourish beyond your wildest dreams?

When you join the DesignDash Mastermind, you belong to a community of individuals who understand the creative experience and its challenges.

Envision the future of your business, crafted perfectly for you and your personal and professional fulfillment. The DesignDash Mastermind is your gateway to transformation, offering a supportive environment where industry leaders and entrepreneurial peers back every strategic decision. Join us and be part of a mastermind designed specifically for visionary designers like you, eager to turn their creative dreams into impactful realities.

Map your Path to Fulfillment

Discover your ultimate business goals, acquire the knowledge needed to reach them, and take decisive action to turn your vision into reality.

Elevate with Supportive Accountability

Engage with a tight-knit group of driven, like-minded professionals who will inspire you to achieve excellence in both your personal and professional life.

Enjoy Confidential Transparency

Receive emotional and professional support in a safe space where every member’s voice is valued, fostering growth through shared experiences and mutual respect.

Cultivate Skills and Innovation
Collaboratively tackle life's inevitable challenges in a dynamic setting, enhancing your creativity, business acumen and problem-solving abilities.
The DesignDash Mastermind
This is not just a forum; it's a six-month intensive mastermind tailored to catalyze your business growth.

Under the guidance of experienced entrepreneurs, you'll forge deep connections, gain exclusive insights, and enjoy a supportive environment that propels you toward your business goals.

You'll make massive moves during your Mastermind tenure and beyond. Every session is a leap closer to your dreams, with tailored educational sessions and actionable strategies that resonate with your unique business needs. From refining your brand to expanding your market reach, the Dasher Network is here to transform your business aspirations into tangible successes.

Engaging Monthly Sessions:

Learn from industry veterans, gain insight from peers, and walk away with actionable next steps.

Weekly Coffee Chat

Connect each week with your group for support and real-time feedback on your most pressing issues.

Real Time Support:

Access your private community 24/7 for Q&A, an ongoing forum, for quick chats or in-depth, topical, conversations.

Valuable Resources:
Enjoy exclusive access to a comprehensive library of business documents and templates, offering a wealth of resources to enhance your entrepreneurial journey.
"I feel like we got so much great information from this. We had questions and Laura had answers!"
Susan Klimala
CKBD TKS Design Group

Why the DesignDash Mastermind is right for you, right now!

You’re a Solo-Entrepreneur
If you’re ready to elevate your solo venture to new heights, our Mastermind provides the structure, mentorship, and resources specifically designed to scale up from a solo operation.

You have a small team
Ideal if you lead a small team and seek strategic guidance on structuring your business for growth while maintaining your creative vision.

Specialized Knowledge at your Fingertips:
Imagine having a bespoke collection of business documents and resources that delve deep into the specifics of running a design-focused enterprise.

Unique Networking Opportunities
Gain special access to exclusive events, vendors, and industry experts with perspectives you won’t find anywhere else!

If you’re ready to elevate your design business and achieve personal fulfillment, now is the time to harness your potential as a strategic creator. At DesignDash, we are committed to empowering women who are eager to expand their enterprises and enrich their lives. No one should feel restricted in their pursuit of business success and personal growth. Join us now and start your transformative journey with the DesignDash Mastermind.

frequently asked


When does the Mastermind start and when does each session happen?

Our next mastermind begins August 29th, and each session is held the last Thursday of the month, over 6 months.

Why do I have to apply to the DesignDash Mastermind

We want everyone in DesignDash Mastermind to find similarities with their colleagues, while also discovering the benefits of a diverse group of individuals. The application process allows us to pair you with peers that will both support and challenge you. Because DesignDash Mastermind relies on honest collaboration and shared experience, we assemble groups based on creative approach, professional expertise, lifestyle, and a few other factors. 

Do you meet virtually or in person?

5 of our 6 sessions are held virtually, via an engaging and structured Zoom meeting. One of our sessions is a 2-day, in person retreat, where we all gather at an industry event like Design Chicago, High Point Market, Vegas Market, or Design Week in NYC or LA.

How frequent and how long is each session?

Our monthly virtual meetings are 2-hours long, during a typical lunch-time break (12-2pm central).

Are the sessions recorded?

Due to our need for Confidential Transparency, calls are not recorded. However, if you are unable to make it to a live meeting, we'll schedule a time to meet with you one-on-one so you don't miss any of our content.

How many members are invited to join the Mastermind cohort?

We welcome up to 8 Creative Entrepreneurs into each mastermind. The small number of members allows us to truly address real-time issues and become a tight-knit group of colleagues.

Will I receive personalize coaching from Melissa & Laura?

Yes, in one (or more) session you'll have the opportunity to sit in the "hot seat" where you can gain direct support from Melissa and Laura as well as the rest of your cohort. In addition, you are welcome to connect with us at any time and we can hop on a call or a Zoom to help you handle any issue that arises in your business.

How much does membership in the DesignDash Mastermind cost?

The DesignDash Mastermind membership carries an admission fee of $1500, then dues are $865 monthly for the 6 months duration of the cohort. This investment ensures that members are fully committed to participating in and contributing to all sessions, including the 2-day in-person retreat. Keep an eye out for sign on perks! We often waive the admission fee for early birds.

"Laura and Melissa have a wealth of knowledge and I'm so grateful to you for creating a safe space for us to be vulnerable and transparent."
Rhonnika Clifton
CEO and Principal Designer for R.J Clifton Designs, LLC

Payment options

Pay in full

  • One Payment
15% OFF

six monthly payments

  • Six Payments

We’d love to hear from you! Connect with us at or